Thursday, April 19, 2007


Go to this website and click on THE LANDLORD, you will PEE YOUR PANTS! Again, I'm in love with Will Farrell, is the funniest man alive!

Monday, April 16, 2007

Christopher the Violinist!

What an enjoyable Sunday afternoon I spent! Seeing Christopher Hall my biggest hero playing in the Calgary Civic Symphony at Jack Singer...loved every note! This is someone who must check out! And I think the next gig is June contact me for details......
My, he is indeed my favorite Christopher!

Monday, April 9, 2007

Kate Bush

This song, AND Video used to scare me as a kid when it first came it mezmeriserises me in its absolute BRILLIANCE!!! I love Kate Bush, and I WILL dance like this One Day....I Love this and am very glad I found it, AGAIN!

I think I did this last week for my Parents and David!

My new fav song...

Ok its a little gay and poppy for my taste, but I quite like it...

Blue October, Into the Ocean.

Find it, if you don't already know it......

I'm still going through Kuz Kuz's CD's. and I found De-Phazz, like that too.

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Ahh Our Home, The Wen-Di Van..

Yes The Wen-di Van, David and I like to joke constantly that we are married (even though David is gay), and that our home is the Van, driving around town. But look who has joined our Team, to help us "Guide the Way?"

Tracey's boy Cole's Birthday!

More House Pics

Some House Pics

These are pics of the two houses in Sunset Ridge, Cochrane...beautiful views of the mountains, but a bitch to shop for, as it 45 minutes away from any shopping!

Friday, April 6, 2007

Passion Play....

So thus begins, Wendel's take on Easter, or the Holy Week. Please again do not be alarmed by the horrific Religious over tones, for those who know me I am Agnostic, but raised Anglican, and I sing every Sunday in a High Anglican Catherdral. I am not forcing any thought on the matter, but choose to write to enlighten, and for those that are intelligent, you may want to broaden your "depth", in terms of this thing we call "Religion".
As always at this time of year, Easter for many, Holy Week for some, I am yet bombarded by the "Story of Jesus". You may only think of him as Santa at Christmas and that is some what related to a Bunny and Chocolate. Whatever Religion you may be following these days, I am reminded of a story....that is why I think the Bible is one of the Greatest Books ever written. We all talk about it, and wars are fought over the Intrepretation of the Verses. And still so many are quick to judge ME, as a "Jesus Junkie". Please, learning the story can open so many doors in ways of intelligence, if you like or know Art, Literature, Film, History, then so many have used reference to the Bible.
I direct all of you this weekend, if you have not seen "The Passion of the Christ" by Mel Gibson, then I strongly suggest it. Not only will this film give you insight into the PURPOSE and MEANING of this Holy Week, or why in fact we CELEBRATE EASTER, and its not just for gives an insight into the Jewish faith and many others that have sprung from the very vague notion know as "Christianity".
Because I sing in an High Anglican Church, it has been my "Easter Tradition" now to watch "The Passion" after the Maundy Thursday service....for this is when Jesus walked into the Garden to contemplate his emindent Death. And I learn so much from it every year...about the Jewish faith, the Muslims...why Religion in itself is such a fascinating study. The Apostles, the members of the Passion Play, and why we eat and drink body of Christ? Ever heard that murmded by your grandparents and you think HUH? In this day and age of a loss of dedication to the Church....I still attend, and I think and I know the reason why. I don't think anyone reading this email really knows what "Easter" or the Holy Week is all about??? I have asked NUMEROUS TIMES for friends and family to come and see me sing....they think it is all Happy Clappy "Praise Jesus" shite......they have no idea, because everyone is afraid to I am some Morman, ready to convert all of you at the door. It is about the music for me...and the sheer WANT to understand WHY these people truly believe?? And the story, the CANNOT understand GREAT ART, without knowing the stories of the Bible......unless you want your Art knowledge to start at Warhol and carry on from there...
I just don't get people again....why so much ignorance and FEAR, of what they don't know...THAT is what I think is truly UN-intelligent of Man. Why are all of our famous Scholars, Religious in some Sect or another???
Back to "The Passion of the Christ", don't get me wrong, I think Mel Gibson is a Jew hating, Gore Loving Hollywood Bigit.....but this movie is truly WORTH watching!! It properly protrays the Biblical Story, with all of the Characters and all of the underlying literature symbolism is not lost. Nothing like watching a movie where it is adapted from your most loved book, and they rip it to shreds.....this film is true to character and form. And it teaches you SO MUCH, if you are ready to learn it, The Jewish faith, Catholic, Christianity as a whole. And the true message. And yes I will agree, Artistically it was a an excuse for Mel to make another "Gore fight film", BUT UNLESS YOU UNDERSTAND THE TRUE meaning of Jesus and his suffering in the Bible, which Mel chose to portray as a PHYSICAL manifestiation, then the Artists view or the Intellilect is gone. I have never seen such a beautiful portrayal brought to life at the end of this film of the famous Painting "The Pieta" by Michelanglo, a true GREAT Artist, did anyone ever THINK TO WHAT INSPIRED HIM?? The film with the Actors, and good writing, the Artistic scene was brought to life, this is highly overlooked by those that think that this is "Religious Follower Movie".....much tears, and as bad as Mel is to me in so many ways, this was award winning..and again snuffed by The Academy I'm sure for it's "Relgious Content"/ Why are so many people afraid of something they don't understand?
This is my Easter Rant...and I think I will stand by my thought; "Yeah Jesus", because no one really gets it or cares, they would rather hear about Britney Spears and Madonna's new Religion.....I will give props to Madonna though......she at least knows what is going on!

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

This is #$@% COOL for ANIMATORS!

Check this OUT! This is what I plan to do when I get my new MAC..(insert laughing here!)